Dakoteyah Wogdaka!
Talk Dakota!
Lesson 2
Greetings, Commands, Culture and Values
Kic'iyuoninhanpi (Greetings) | Wowasake (Commands) |
Hinhana was'te. (Good morning.) | Iyotanka. (Sit down.) |
Wic'oka was'te. (Good afternoon.) | Hiyu. (Come here.) |
Anpetu was'te. (Good day.) | He c'un s'ni. (Don't do that.) |
Hou koda. (Hello, friend.) | Anag'optan. (Listen.) |
Pidamaya. (Thank you.) | Inina. (Be quiet.) |
Toked yaun he? (How are you?) | Nape gduz'az'a. (Wash your hands.) |
Wanna wota (Time to eat.) |
Waonspeka kic'anyanpi (Culture) |
Tate Topa (Four Directions) |
Oc'eti S'akowin (Seven Council Fires) |
Woteh'inda (Values) |
Ohetika (courage) |
O g'a waste (generosity) |
Ohoda (respect) |
Ksapa (wisdom) |
The Universe
Sintomni (Universe) | Omaka (Seasons) |
Anpa Wi (sun) | Wetu (spring) |
Wicanh'pi (stars) | Bdoketu (summer) |
Han Wi (moon) | Ptanyetu (fall) |
Mah'piya (sky) | Waniyetu (winter) |
Makan (earth) |
Mah'piya (clouds) |
Wiacaceti (sundog) |
Anpa O Wicanh'pi (morning star) |
Ikc'e wic'as'a (Human beings) | Wamakas'kan (Animals) |
Hoks'iyopa (baby) | Tatanka (buffalo) |
Wic'inc'ana (girl) | S'unkakan (horse) |
Hoks'ina (boy) | C'apa (beaver) |
Kos'ka (youth-boy) | S'unka (dog) |
Wikos'ka (youth-girl) | Manka (skunk) |
Winyan (woman) | Zic'a (squirrel) |
Wic'as'a (man) | S'ungina (fox) |
Wic'ah'a (nan) (elder man) | S'ungmanitu (coyote) |
Winoh'ca (nan) (elder woman) | Sunktokeca (wolf) |
Wakanyeja (children) | Mato (bear) |
Tah'ca (deer) |
Tasnahec'a (gopher) |
Pinspinza (prairie dog) |
Zuzuhece (snake) |
Language Of The Handssindarin Lessons For Beginners
Zitkana (Birds) | Wamduskanan (Worms/Insects) |
Wanbdi (eagle) | Honag'inan (flies) |
S'is'oka (robin) | Psipsic'anan (grasshopper) |
Tas'iyaka (meadow lark) | Psipsic'anan sapa (cricket) |
Cankatotona (woodpecker) | Kimimina (butterfly) |
Kang'i (crow) | Wabdus'kanan (caterpillar) |
C'etan (hawk) | C'aponka (mosquito) |
Hinhan (owl) |
S'iyo (pheasant) |
Mag'aks'ica (duck) |
Mag'a (geese) |
Zizic'a (turkey) |
Anpaohotonna (chicken) |
Sindarin Lessons Weebly
Language Of The Handssindarin Lessons Lesson
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 |
Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 | Lesson 11 | Lesson 12 |
The Native American Community Board (NACB) works to protect the health and human rights of Indigenous Peoples pertinent to our communities through cultural preservation, education, coalition building, community organizing, reproductive justice, environmental justice, and natural resource protection while working toward safe communities for women and children at the local, national, and international level.